Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Unt ze wienah iz...

Drum roll, please...

La meg begynne meg å si at interessen for konkurransen var overveldende, blant de 5 deltakende. Christer gikk umiddelbart hardt inn, og forsøkte å overbevise meg på facebook-chaten.

Frank leverte et glimrende bidrag i kommentarfeltet under blogginnlegget.

Dessverre ble de begge to eliminert fra konkurransen, grunnet deres manglende evne til å følge reglene til punkt og prikke.

Kristine var nesten søt nok til å stikke av med seieren.

Og Johan leverte definitivt det mest sympatiske bidraget. Han hadde blant annet slått seg sykt hardt i det venstre kneet, samt at han også nettopp har blitt offer for dyrebitt. Dessuten er han broren min. Fra Island.

Det mest imponerende bidraget kom imidlertid fra selveste Brandon Trung Moen, riksguling og Yoshi-fan. Her vil jeg gjengi søknaden hans ordrett:

I enjoy winning, I love free stuff, and it would be an honor to have a piece of your art on my so called wall. My wall is pretty special, special, not in the sense that it is magnificent or something out of the ordinary, but more that there is a special and magnificent lack of wall which makes having a somewhat of a yellow picture like yours all the more appreciated. Not to mention me being something of a yellow already, naturally relates to the brotherly bond that I and your artwork already share. Like a Sovereign citizen is attached to his gun I will be forever holstered to your work of art on my special wall.
More reasons recessing from my fingers is international acknowledgement. I hereby guarantee, which is my pragmatic right, that my future mostly likely slightly larger German and Swiss wall space in the coming months after August shall embrace your foot print Kunstwerk.  Like some random German said, “Anyone who sees and paints a sky green and fields blue ought to be sterilized”. I think z Germans will like my wall much better and both get me better integrated with z German society as well as promoting Holmestrand’s finest artist.
Furthermore I can commentate on the rate that this competition is impeding on my reading up on Carlyle and Dickens and is causing me sleep-deprivation, Mow I do not know whether or not you or any imaginary creature deems you a nice person or not, but without this prize, how may I justify my sleep-deprivation, sudden insecurity and moral injustice for lack of academic advancements. but this is more of a guilty pleasure and I must admit even after consuming WAY to much delicious salty gold (potato chips) your lerret puts me in the mood for some delirious ice-cream, candy and makes me want to anime up my hair and go be a space cowboy in the Bebop or get governmentally involved, Tetsuo style, in order to find my Anime girl at the far side of the yellow brick road.
So like they say in Starcraft gl hf and like they will use more often and most likely in the future, may the force be with you.

Catch You On The Flip Side, 

Jeg har ikke vondt i venstre foten, men faktisk har jeg det vondt I vesntre kneet mitt, men legen ga meg masse voltaren og sa det var nok lurt å ikke drive med thai-boksing på en liten stund- that makes me a sad shade of yellow…


Så....vinneren er BRANDON!!! Jeg er dessuten glad for å kunne meddele at dere andre ikke hadde hatt en sjanse uansett, ettersom jeg helt plutselig bestemte meg for å la den høyeste personen vinne. Og sorry, Frank...du ble jo eliminert. Men det kommer nok noen magasiner til deg i posten til vinteren!

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